Monday, December 1, 2008

Advantages of using a Software As A Service Part: I logo

Advantages of using a Software As A Service:

PART I: The Hosted Solution

The differences between a premises-based and hosted solutions are shocking.

A premise-based solution requires hardware, software and network connectivity, to be handled by the company. In addition backups and monitoring have to be in place to ensure continuity and availability 24/7.

For businesses that have multiple locations across the globe this responsibility can turn into a management nightmare.

Our Hosted solution transfers this infrastructure and management burden to our dedicated team of specialist. As a online-based solution, helps companies manage their projects without the added headaches of managing the infrastructure needed. Hosted solutions will take away the enormous investment in infrastructure costs as well as system management and maintenance costs and give customers access to comprehensive online services at an economical rate.

In this hosted model, We take on the responsibility and cost of developing and maintaining the best project management software out there.

Hosting enables companies to outsource the IT infrastructures, have access to their data from anywhere in the world, and pay only for the services they require.

Part II: Security and Control

The full article can be found at

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